The other day me and my riding buddy where out for a ride and started talking about our week and what we were up to. He mentioned that an older neighbour of his had a bad fall and seriously hurt herself. We started talking some more about the aging population and the risks of falling. Well one thing lead to another and we decided to look into it a little more and discovered a business opportunity right in front of our noses.
Hence RALOS Safety Floors was born.
RALOS Safety Floors is dedicated to reducing the occurrence of slip and fall accidents that often cause serious bodily injury. We assist a wide variety of organizations; Commercial, Industrial, Health Care and Residential facilities to comply with national safety standards and safety legislation.
With an innovative floor treatment backed by a comprehensive floor safety program we provide our customer a long lasting and affordable alternative in Slip & Fall prevention.
Our Safe Floor Treatment will improve your floors traction performance without changing the appearance or the maintenance schedule of the floors. The results are beautiful floors that comply with current safety legislation and standards.
I'm hoping that this venture will become as rewarding and interesting as Horslife has been for me.
I hope that this new business idea of mine goes to show you that if you just relax and not worry so much about your riding seat and how your horse is responding good things can come about. For me a big part of riding is relaxing and letting my mind wander, I suggest you try the same sometime. I promise you will feel more relaxed at the end of the ride and so will your horse.
Here's the shameless plug:
If you are concerned about slip and falls caused by slippery floor tiles check out the website email me or give me a call.
Enough business now let's get out for a ride