Monday, August 10, 2009

How do I slow down my Horse

I have a lot of my students ask me how to slow their horse down in all gaits. Some horses are just more energetic then others, they move out more willingly and simply have a quicker gait. That doesn't mean that they cannot learn to wait for your command and slow down regardless if it's a walk, trot or canter. The method I use is the same for all gaits; Tight Circles. By using tight circles you are not only teaching your horse to slow down but you are also getting them more supple and staying out of their mouths by not asking for a stop.
Here's how I do it:
working in straight line ask your horse for a trot when they are moving at the pace you are happy with just stay out of their way but the very second they speed up without your asking direct rein them around into a tight circle, (be sure not to yank or jerk them around we don't want this to hurt or frighten them). Circle tight enough that your horse has to come down to a walk but doesn't stop. Once you completed your circle ask again for the trot again in the same direction. If you are riding in an arena or somewhere where their is a fence circle your horse towards the fence or wall , this will keep them from walking out big circles and forces them to turn tighter. Once they are going nicely at the trot you can ask at the canter. Use caution at the canter bring them down to a walk or trot so you don't turn your horse too quickly and throw them off balance or bang him into the wall.
When teaching your horse to slow down you have to be consistent, clear and work in both directions, this is often the hardest part because it can be tedious and boring but stay at it and in no time you will feel your horse waiting for you.
I am happy to answer any questions you may have.